
- noun
1. surgical instrument having circular, sawlike edges, used to cut out disks of bone, usually from the skull.


– adv.
1. near in space, time, or relation.
2. nearly; almost.
– adj.
3. near; approaching.


1. every time; on every occasion; without exception.
2. all the time; continuously; uninterruptedly.
3. forever.
4. in any event; at any time; if necessary.


– adv.
1. without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
2. continually; incessantly; always.
3. an endless or seemingly endless period of time.


– adv.
1. not ever; at no time.
2. not at all; absolutely not.
3. to no extent or degree.
"Modern physics has confirmed most dramatically one of the basic ideas of Eastern mysticism; that all the concepts we use to describe nature are limited, that they are not features of reality, as we tend to believe, but creations of the mind; parts of the map, not of the territory."

- Fritjof Capra
"If two terms clearly have the same meaning, we might as well discard one."

- Mieke Bal


– adj.
1. of or pertaining to time.
2. pertaining to or concerned with the present life or this world; worldly.
3. enduring for a time only; temporary; transitory.
4. a. of, pertaining to, or expressing time.
b. of or pertaining to the tenses of a verb.
5. secular, lay, or civil, as opposed to ecclesiastical.


– adj.
1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing.
2. perpetual; ceaseless; endless.
3. enduring; immutable.
4. existing outside all relations of time; not subject to change.


– adv.
1. in the same book, chapter, page, etc.
"If it was about getting it then I would explain it to you."

- Larry McDowell
"Finding a business man interested in the arts is like finding chicken shit in your chicken salad."

- Alice Neel


– noun
1. a figure of speech that consists of the use of the name of one object or concept for that of another to which it is related, or of which it is a part.


– noun
1. a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special.


– noun
1. a science or technique of naming, describing, identifying and classifying.