
– verb
1. to extend under or be opposite to.
2. to occur beneath or close to.
3. to form or mark the outline or boundary of.


– noun
1. the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing; outermost or uppermost layer or area.
2. any face of a body or thing.
3. extent or area of outer face; superficial area.
4. the outward appearance, esp. as distinguished from the inner nature.
5. any figure having only two dimensions; part or all of the boundary of a solid.
– adj.
6. apparent rather than real; superficial.
7. of, pertaining to, or via land or sea.
8. belonging to a late stage in the transformational derivation of a sentence; belonging to the surface structure.


– noun
1. the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically.


– noun
1. surroundings, esp. of a social or cultural nature.


– noun
1. the works of an author, artist, or the like, taken as a whole.
2. any one of the works of an author, artist, or the like.


- noun
1. additional unspecified odds and ends; more of the same.
- adverb
2. continuing in the same way; and so forth.
"How can one not quiver before the cruel lucidity of science?"
- Paul-Emile Borduas


– noun
1. the action or condition of being automatic; mechanical or involuntary action.
2. the doctrine that all activities of animals, or of humans and animals, are entirely controlled by physical or physiological causes in which consciousness takes no part.
3. the involuntary functioning of an organic process, esp. muscular, without apparent neural stimulation.
4. a. the performance of an act or actions without the performer's awareness or conscious volition.
b. such an act, as sleepwalking.
5. a method of producing pictorial art, as paintings and collages, associated chiefly with the dadaists and surrealists, in which the artist strives to allow the impulses of the unconscious to guide the hand in matters of line, color, and structure without the interference of conscious choice.


– noun
1. any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion.
2. a severe attack or a sudden increase in intensity of a disease, usually recurring periodically; a fit or convulsion.
"I am in no hurry to understand myself..."

- André Breton


- noun
1. the ability or phenomenon to utter words or sounds of a language unknown to the speaker, especially as an expression of religious ecstasy; speaking in tongues.


– noun
1. a whirling mass of water, esp. one in which a force of suction operates, as a whirlpool.
2. a whirling mass of air, esp. one in the form of a visible column or spiral, as a tornado.
3. a whirling mass of fire, flame, etc.
4. a state of affairs likened to a whirlpool for violent activity, irresistible force, etc.
5. something regarded as drawing into its powerful current everything that surrounds it.
6. a rapid rotatory movement of cosmic matter about a center, regarded as accounting for the origin or phenomena of bodies or systems of bodies in space.


– noun

1. something that provides sophisticated, knowing amusement, as by virtue of its being artlessly mannered or stylized, self-consciously artificial and extravagant, or teasingly ingenuous and sentimental.


– noun
1. any of several large carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the dog family Canidae, esp. C. lupus, usually hunting in packs, formerly common throughout the Northern Hemisphere but now chiefly restricted to the more unpopulated parts of its range.
2. the fur of such an animal.
3. any of various wolflike animals of different families.
4. the constellation Lupus.
5. the larva of any of various small insects infesting granaries.
6. a cruelly rapacious person.
7. a man who makes amorous advances to many women.
8. a. the harsh discord heard in certain chords of keyboard instruments, esp. the organ, when tuned on some system of unequal temperament.
b. a chord or interval in which such a discord appears.
c. (in bowed instruments) a discordant or false vibration in a string due to a defect in structure or adjustment of the instrument.
– verb
9. to devour voraciously.
- idioms
10. cry wolf, to give a false alarm.
11. wolf in sheep's clothing, a person who conceals his or her evil intentions or character beneath an innocent exterior.


– noun
1. any of numerous small Old World rodents of the family Muridae, esp. of the genus Mus, introduced widely in other parts of the world.
2. any similar small animal of various rodent and marsupial families.
3. quiet, timid person.
4. a palm-sized, button-operated device that can be slid on wheels or ball bearings over a desktop to move the cursor on a computer monitor.
5. a swelling under the eye, caused by a blow or blows; black eye.
6. a girl or woman.
– verb
7. to hunt out, as a cat hunts out mice.
8. to hunt for or catch mice.
10. to prowl about, as if in search of something.
11. to seek or search stealthily or watchfully, as if for prey.


– noun
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
3. strong sexual desire; lust.
4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.
7. the object of such a fondness or desire.
8. an outburst of strong emotion or feeling.
9. violent anger.
10. the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, esp. something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior (contrasted with action).
11. a. the sufferings of Christ on the cross or His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.
b. the narrative of Christ's sufferings as recorded in the Gospels.
12. the sufferings of a martyr.


– verb
1. to continue at once with the next musical section or composition.
2. to perform in the manner of the preceding section.
3. to make a transition from one thing to another smoothly and without interruption.
– noun
4. an uninterrupted transition made between one musical section or composition and another.
5. any smooth, uninterrupted transition from one thing to another.


– noun
1. a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings or of being in tilting or spinning surroundings.


– adj.
1. turning about an axis; revolving; whirling; spinning; rotary.
2. affected with vertigo; dizzy.
3. liable or threatening to cause vertigo.
4. apt to change quickly; unstable.


– noun
1. the shield or breastplate of Zeus or Athena, bearing at its center the head of the Gorgon.
2. protection; support.
3. sponsorship; auspices.


- noun
1. any substance, such as a plant or drug, taken to bring on a spiritual experience.