
– noun
1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.
3. an object seen in a dream.
4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; reverie.
6. an aspiration; goal; aim.
7. a wild or vain fancy.
8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
– verb
9. to have a dream.
10. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way.
11. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
12. to pass or spend time in dreaming.
13. most desirable; ideal.
"The accumulation of devotional intensity around a work of art forms a field of morphic resonance that affects future viewers.

Morphic resonance is a theory developed by Rupert Sheldrake that states that each member of a species draws on the collective memory of the species, tunes in to past members of the species, and may in turn contribute to the further development of the species. Sheldrake cites the inexplicable simultaneous development of habits in geographically separate species, and even points to the fact that after a particular kind of crystal is grown in a laboratory, it becomes easier to grow throughout the world. Each thing has a morphic field, an organizing, form-shaping field that brings its singular field into 'resonance' with the habits of the collective field. The more often an action is repeated, the more powerful and influential, and easier the access, is its morphic resonance. The morphic field of the individual has the potential to influence the collective through creative acts.

The difference between lunacy and time-honored religious rituals is a thick layer of morphic resonance built up over many generations of devotional repetition."
- Alex Grey


– verb
1. to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception.
2. to be present at (an occurrence) as a spectator or bystander, etc.
3. to attest by one's signature.
4. testify; give or afford evidence.
– noun
5. an individual who, being present, personally sees or perceives a thing; a beholder or spectator.
6. a person or thing that affords evidence.
7. a person who gives testimony.
8. a person who signs a document attesting the genuineness of its execution.


– noun
1. a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons.
2. a person who leads an austerely simple life, esp. one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction.
3. a monk; hermit.
– adj.
4. rigorously abstinent; austere.
5. exceedingly strict or severe in religious exercises or self-mortification.


– adj.
1. pertaining to a sense of the beautiful.
2. pertaining to, involving, or concerned with pure emotion and sensation as opposed to pure intellectuality.
3. a philosophical theory or idea of what is aesthetically valid at a given time and place.
4. the study of the nature of sensation.


– adj.
1. shining forth brilliantly; radiant.


– adj.
1. pertaining to the sky or visible heaven.
2. pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven; heavenly; divine.
3. of or pertaining to navigation.
– noun
4. an inhabitant of heaven.


– noun
1. a knot, protuberance, or knob.
2. a centering point of component parts.
3. a. a joint in a stem.
b. a part of a stem that normally bears a leaf.
4. a point on a curve or surface at which there can be more than one tangent line or tangent plane.
5. a point, line, or region in a standing wave at which there is relatively little or no vibration.
6. either of the two points at which the orbit of a heavenly body intersects a given plane, esp. the plane of the ecliptic or of the celestial equator.


– verb
1. to signify or suggest in addition to the explicit or primary meaning.
2. to involve as a condition or accompaniment.
3. to have significance only by association, as with another word.


– verb
1. to be a mark or sign of; indicate.
2. to be a name or designation for; mean.
3. to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for.


– verb
1. to be in agreement or conformity.
2. to be similar or analogous; be equivalent in function, position, amount, etc.


– noun
1. an existing connection; a significant association between or among things: the relation between cause and effect.
2. the mode or kind of connection between one person and another, between an individual and God, etc.
3. the act of relating, narrating, or telling; narration.
4. a principle whereby effect is given to an act done at one time as if it had been done at a previous time.
5. a property that associates two quantities in a definite order, as equality or inequality.
6. with reference to; concerning.