– noun
1. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.
2. a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation, meet after being refracted or reflected.
3. a. the clear and sharply defined condition of an image.
b. the position of a viewed object or the adjustment of an optical device necessary to produce a clear image.
4. a point having the property that the distances from any point on a curve to it and to a fixed line have a constant ratio for all points on the curve.
5. the primary center from which a disease develops or in which it localizes.
– verb
6. to concentrate.
– noun
1. condition with reference to place; location; situation.
2. a place occupied or to be occupied; site.
3. the proper, appropriate, or usual place.
4. situation or condition, esp. with relation to favorable or unfavorable circumstances.
5. status or standing: He has a position to maintain in the community.
6. high standing, as in society; important status.
7. a post of employment.
8. manner of being placed, disposed, or arranged.
9. bodily posture or attitude.
10. mental attitude; stand.
11. the act of positing.
12. something that is posited.
13. any of the five basic positions of the feet with which every step or movement begins and ends.
14. a. the arrangement of tones in a chord, esp. with regard to the location of the root tone in a triad or to the distance of the tones from each other.
b. any of the places on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument where the fingers stop the strings to produce the variouspitches.
c. any of the places to which the slide of a trombone is shifted to produce changes in pitch.
1. manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment.
2. a place or locality.
3. condition; case; plight.
4. the state of affairs; combination of circumstances.
5. a position or post of employment; job.
6. a state of affairs of special or critical significance in the course of a play, novel, etc.
7. the aggregate of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors acting on an individual or group to condition behavioral patterns.
– noun
1. a particular mode of being of a person or thing; existing state; situation with respect to circumstances.
2. state of health.
3. fit or requisite state.
4. social position.
5. a restricting, limiting, or modifying circumstance.
6. a circumstance indispensable to some result; prerequisite; that on which something else is contingent.
7. existing circumstances.
8. something demanded as an essential part of an agreement; provision; stipulation.